Category: Dunedin

Parents Visit NZ

My parents have arrived in Dunedin, NZ! They traveled from Boston all the way to visit me, a feat that I am beyond happy they accomplished. It has been 9-almost-10 months since I have...

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As of December 2nd, I officially live in a flat in Dunedin! It’s about a half hour walk from my department but closer to town and in a nice little neighborhood. The flat has...

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Little Blues

This past weekend I was lucky enough to go on an adventure with some good friends from Abbey College. It all started around 6 pm. The wind was howling, the sky turned a dark...

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The Duck Conundrum

I was spending time with my ducks in the Dunedin Botanical Garden the other afternoon (along with some hungry pigeons, red-billed gulls, and chaffinches), and I finally decided to answer the question that has...

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Busy weekend

5:45 am Saturday July 7- my alarm goes off and I snooze… twice 6:10 am- finally get up and wander to the “living room” of Abbey in my slippers and sweat pants 6:11 am-...

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Midwinter Carnival 2018

The Midwinter Carnival is an annual event in Dunedin which celebrates…winter!  It took place this past Saturday, June 30, the closest Saturday to the Winter Solstice (longest night of the year). It is held...

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To the beach!

Although it is winter, Saturday the 23rd of May was quite warm and beautiful. So I decided I needed a beach day, sortof. It took me a long time to decide where I wanted...

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Ducks on the Leith

This is the River Leith. It runs through campus. That’s the Clocktower building in the back. See those ducks? I really like them. They are not around during the day, just after the sun...

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Week highlights

Met with my supervisor, Dr. Phil Seddon. There were two other PhD students there and their adviser. We discussed my thoughts for my research, what my next steps are, and the meeting this week...

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