Category: travel

Parents Visit NZ Part 2

Nugget Point, The Catlins, NZ Day 5- 9 Feb 2019 Saturday After we spent the morning at the Dunedin Farmer’s Market (bacon butties for the win!) and annual Thieves Market (new hats for Mom...

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Parents Visit NZ

My parents have arrived in Dunedin, NZ! They traveled from Boston all the way to visit me, a feat that I am beyond happy they accomplished. It has been 9-almost-10 months since I have...

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Lake Tekapo and Mount Cook

Saturday Nov 10 a group of 8 from Abbey traveled to Lake Tekapo and Mount Cook for the weekend.   We started from Dunedin around 11 am on Saturday. The other car had departed earlier....

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I HIGHLY suggest getting roadside assistance when driving in New Zealand. That is all. PS. And a good mobile company, although phone reception is spotty is lots of places

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I HIGHLY suggest getting roadside assistance when driving in New Zealand. That is all. PS. And a good mobile company, although phone reception is spotty is lots of places

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Weekend trip to the Catlins

13-15 July The Department of Conservation (DOC) in New Zealand is roughly equivalent to the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Government run, they do everything from protecting species, restoring habitat, research, development, monitoring, reporting, and...

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Guide to Car Buying

When purchasing a car in another country: Ask around for places to look- dealers, traders, online, auction. I used TradeMe, the Ebay of NZ When looking online, make sure you double check what unit...

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Flying… On a Jet Plane!

Four flights. About 24 hours in the air, 36 in total. I made it to Dunedin, NZ! Hightlights of travel: No one was sitting next to me from San Francisco to Auckland Had a...

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