Category: unilife

Christmas abroad

While it was great to spend Christmas in the warm and the sun, it didn’t quite feel right. For one, there was definitely no snow, as the week of Christmas was in the 70s...

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After what felt like weeks of rain, the sun came out in all its glory for Christmas! And I got an extra special gift this year … A foster family of kittens! These are...

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Busy weekend

5:45 am Saturday July 7- my alarm goes off and I snooze… twice 6:10 am- finally get up and wander to the “living room” of Abbey in my slippers and sweat pants 6:11 am-...

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Midwinter Christmas at Abbey!

Every year, Abbey College has a tradition- celebrating Midwinter Christmas in July! Abbey holds special dinners monthly/bimonthly, where all the residents get together for a fun night of food and entertainment. There are typically...

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To the beach!

Although it is winter, Saturday the 23rd of May was quite warm and beautiful. So I decided I needed a beach day, sortof. It took me a long time to decide where I wanted...

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Samosas after dinner

After dinner, I was invited by a few friends to have samosas and chi. I really had no idea what samosas are, except that I thought it was a drink like a mamosa! Well,...

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Week highlights

Met with my supervisor, Dr. Phil Seddon. There were two other PhD students there and their adviser. We discussed my thoughts for my research, what my next steps are, and the meeting this week...

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